Discover more efficient waste collection

Discover powerful Route Planning solution for the waste industry powered by Sensoneo

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Reduce costs

Maximize efficiency


the use of resources

Optimize routes

on-demand & fixed

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Route Planning Solution

Sensoneo provides smart enterprise-grade waste management solutions for cities and businesses to cost-efficiently manage the waste lifecycle and improve the environment and well-being of people. Through its unique smart waste management technology, Sensoneo is redefining the way waste is managed.

Sensoneo Route Planning solution enables you to optimize and automate planning of waste collection routes. It combines the Smart Waste Management System, Driver Navigation App and it can incorporate data from Smart Sensors and/or Smart Tags.

Our Route Planning enables to automate the management of the waste collection routes, based on precise pre-defined data regarding waste collection vehicles, depots, and landfills/ incineration sides. The aim is that every single waste collection route is planned to maximize the utilization of your resources (fleet, FTEs, time) and to minimize the costs needed to perform the job.

The Introduction of the Route Planning solution results in fewer kilometres driven per kilogram of collected waste and the full utilization of vehicle capacity and time. More efficient routes help minimize the negative impacts of waste collection in the city with less noise pollution, less air pollution and fewer traffic congestions.


Deep efficiency analysis


Plan collection routes automatically


Plan fixed or on-demand routes


Optimization of collection routes, frequencies and vehicle loads


Optimize the use of resources (fleet, FTEs, time)


Calculate collection costs, time and distance


Navigate drivers via mobile app


Track collection vehicles on the road

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Route Planning Engine

Route Planning Engine

Route Planning Engine is a result of in-house R&D.  We worked tirelessly to build an engine that understands the complex dynamics of the waste collection even in a large city (hundreds of vehicles, thousands of containers).
The Engine can accommodate multiple rules and count in different variables (vehicle capacity, container capacity, trash type, container type, work schedule) to get you the routes you need. You can plan both scheduled or on-demand pickups. Find the best route for your waste truck and optimize the transport for your garbage disposal now – smart routing is the optimal solution in the world of waste management industry.

Fast route calculation
Route Planning Engine
Driver Navigation App
Driver Navigation App

Driver Navigation App

The operator sends scheduled routes to drivers via Driver Navigation App – a mobile app for Android devices. The driver receives itinerary for the route and the app provides step-by-step navigation.

Sensoneo uses GPS localization in Android mobile device with Driver Navigation mobile app to track collection truck on the route. The ongoing route is visible in the Smart waste management system. The operator can adjust the ongoing route and send an updated itinerary to the driver. The tool compares planned and executed routes. The driver can report any problem he encounters while on the route via Driver Navigation App to Operator.

Live route tracking
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Platform for Operators

Platform for Operators

Your waste infrastructure is digitalized in the Smart Waste Management Software System, Sensoneo powerful software cloud-based platform on Microsoft Azure cloud. Operators schedule all routes in the Smart Waste Management Software System.

If using Smart Sensors, you benefit from predictions on filling cycles. Operators can track ongoing routes vs. the plan live. The platform calculates statistics for each route – total costs, cost per cubic meter, cost per kilogram, duration of the route, driven distance, total volume collected, total weight collected. All data flow back to Collection Efficiency Analysis to run a continuous efficiency analysis.

Full remote control
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Platform for Operators
Collection Efficiency Analysis
Collection Efficiency Analysis

Collection Efficiency Analysis

Sensoneo experts analyze and evaluate current practices. Employing different indicators, we survey how well you manage collection operations. Some of the indicators include the use of vehicle and container capacities, costs per distance/hour/ container/amount of waste. Our waste analytics evaluates how fleet structure reflects the container infrastructure and the related cost implications. The aim is to uncover unused or wasted capacities within the company.

Stop wasting resources
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Redesigning fixed routes?

Not all waste collector wish to move towards on-demand waste collection run by waste monitoring sensors. Route Planning solution can accommodate fixed routes very well. First, we run your existing data through Collection Efficiency Analysis to see how well do you manage waste collection today.

Once we identify possible savings and unused capacities, we can run endless scenarios with our route calculation algorithms taking into account all pre-defined data about fleet, containers, man-hours and more. The algorithms can work with thousands of points (containers). All the scenarios include a cost estimate. Together we choose the scenarios that fulfill your goals – smaller fleet, new customers, new containers, fuller vehicles, emptier containers.

63% cost savings on waste collection

A private waste collection company collects waste in 2 municipalities located in close proximity. Both municipalities are collected by the same vehicle. Municipalities have large-capacity containers that require hydraulic arm. Previous collection plan was not efficient. The vehicle capacity was not used to the fullest and some containers were overflowing. Waste Monitoring with Smart Sensors has discovered that containers are just 24 % full when collected in Municipality A and just 45 % full when collected in Municipality B.  Deploying Sensoneo Route Planning tools, adjusting routes and frequencies brought 63% on costs and 70% fewer pickups. Read more.