Water Tank Level Monitoring

Remote control over water tanks

Storing water or other liquid in a tank can pose a true challenge once the tank prevents visual detection of fill-level. Businesses can either face a lack of material or complicated logistics. Avoid these with remote monitoring.

Ideal for

  • Water tanks or tanks with other liquids (no hazardous)

Technology used

  • Update on fill level with Smart Sensors (Single Sensor) up to 6 times a day
  • GPS tracking using Smart Tags with digital timestamp


  • Change the tank in time. Receive early warning the tank is getting full or empty. Tank construction prevents from visual detection of fill-level. It can be difficult for responsible person to decide if the tank is full or empty.
  • Eliminate field checks on fill level  in person. Stay on the top of the fill level remotely.
  • With unpredictable filling cycle of such tanks, remote monitoring is the key to monitor water levels in tanks particularly in water scarce areas.