Sensoneo as integrated waste management

Introducing new IT system or a new process in an organization can be a pain. It is usually a long and expensive task. However, this concern should not stop you from deploying smart waste management solution. Sensoneo solution can be easily integrated into your current information system. 

Is it possible to integrate Sensoneo to existing company systems?

That is one of the most typical concerns that waste managers have regarding possible deployment of a smart waste monitoring sensors and smart waste management solution. And it is quite understandable. After years of tuning the internal information system that finally meats everyone’s requirements facing a menace to go through this pain again!

Make your IS smarter

Imagine you could keep working the same way you do now. The only difference will be the data. Sensoneo Smart sensors provide data and solution brings insights that enable you to manage waste smarter – more effectively, more efficiently and with less environmental footprint.
Integrate data from Smart sensors to your existing systems and processes, and upgrade the performance of your waste management.

Best practice from Sensoneo customers

Several Sensoneo customers benefit from our solution by exactly this way – for example an organizer of a state-wide take-back system for EEE waste. They already had a well-functioning internal information system that all employees felt comfortable with. Now, Sensoneo solution is a part of this system and Smart sensors monitor over 700 bins across Czech Republic. Thanks to new data, the system works so much more efficient.

How about you? Are you considering Smart waste solution?

Contact us and we can discuss the possible integration of Sensoneo into your existing IT systems in more details.
