Reference: Waste Monitoring & Collection for waste management company in UAE

Waste management Customer
Recycling center Location
169 No. sensors

Company description

The company is a global provider of integrated waste management services with 30+ years of experience. Their extensive service portfolio helps address a broad range of environmental
needs. They have become one of the largest service providers of its kind all across the EMEA region.

Problem description

The company is servicing 4 000+ km2 area. They have many recycling centres distributed across the city. Recycling centre collects 17 commodities to 17 dedicated dumpsters. The centres are an example of excellence – both in terms of design and quality.

The company started to look for a smart waste solution back in the summer of 2017 with the intention to monitor fill level in dumpsters and provide data to plan waste pick-ups more efficiently.

Expectations from Sensoneo


Real-time data on container fill-level


Data to oranize pick-up routes


Data to evaluate the efficiency


In February 2018, 169 sensors were installed in the Recycling Centres. Sensors monitor 12 out of 17 commodities in each Recycling centre.

As the containers at the Recycling centres are close together, we decided to implement Mesh topology – 1 master device and 12 slaves. The master device is Double sensor. There is one Master per Center. Than each container is monitored with a Slave – Single sensor. Single sensor measures up to 170 cm distance and therefore it is an ideal fit for smaller containers (150cm depth).

Mesh topology

Sensors can work in Master-Slave mode. This topology saves costs on data transmission. It is a good fit for stands with several containers. One sensor is a Master, while other sensors installed in the same location are in Slave mode.

The master sensor receives the fill-level measurements from Slaves via Bluetooth or RF. Master sensors transfer data for the entire mesh via an available network. It is a self-monitoring infrastructure with well-optimized battery usage and data network.

Measurement interval

Smart sensors measurement intervals are set to fit the fill cycle of the containers. Dumpsters in recycling centres have various capacity from 0,24 m3 to 1,10 m3. Most of them reach capacity more than once a week. Smart sensors are set to measure 6x a day.



Smart sensors are connected to the GSM/GPRS. This network is a reliable and stable option for transferring measurement data from Smart sensors to the cloud.
Double sensor as Master sensor is sending data via GSM/GPRS.


Single sensors monitoring dumpsters in Recycling centres


Double sensors as Master sensors in Mesh

Data evaluation

Smart Waste Management

See the actual fill-level of all containers monitored by Sensoneo Smart sensors. Here, you can find all the important information related to the specific containers and stands – their address and GPS position, status, code, volume and type of waste they are reserved for. You can also check the prediction of when the containers are expected to reach full capacity.

Data allows you to eliminate overflowing containers and ensure high-quality service for citizens.


Remote Control

Thanks to the deployment of the Sensoneo solution the company maintains control over the quality of service and the Recycling centres stay clean and nice.


Quality of service to citizens

Thanks to the filling lifecycle predictions the company plans collection efficiently to eliminate the collection of half-empty bins and to prevent over-flowing containers.